Frequently Asked Questions
We've covered some common questions you might have.
About TalentMondo
What is TalentMondo?
TalentMondo is an online employee well-being platform. Our goal is to help companies create personal journeys for their employees. Our well-being partners from all around the world list livestream sessions for the emotional, physical, career, and social well-being of our users.
How can I sign up on TalentMondo?
You can click “Sign Up” on the upper right corner of our main page and create an account. Please make sure that “I want to take well-being sessions” is selected when signing up.
How does TalentMondo work?
TalentMondo works with a credit-based system. Our well-being partners all around the world list livestream well-being sessions and our users book these live sessions with their credits.
What are credits?
Credits are what you use to book sessions. These credits allow you to choose which sessions you can book. Please note that the number of credits needed to book a session can vary from session to session.
What is a promotion code?
A promotion code is a feature that gives free credits once you enter the code on your dashboard.
About Company Benefits and TalentMondo
My company offers TalentMondo as a benefit, how can I receive my company benefits?
On your Account Settings, you will find the “Connections” tab. Find your company and click “Connect” to be directed to the account activation page. Once you enter your company email address and activate your account by clicking the activation link sent to your email, you will receive your benefits provided by your company.
What happens if I run out of my company credits?
You can always purchase additional credits. You can view our credit packages through the Payment Settings on your Dashboard.
About Livestream Sessions
How do I find a livestream session?
To start exploring your livestream sessions, go on the Sessions tab on the menu and pick the category you are interested in.
How do I attend a livestream session?
Once you find a session, click the “Join” button to view the session’s schedule. Pick the date & time you would like to attend and click “Book Now” to reserve your place. You will receive a reminder email 2 hours before the session starts and you can attend your session by clicking the “Join Session” button on your dashboard.
What is the session cancellation policy?
You can cancel your booked sessions 12 hours before the session starts to avoid any cancellation fees.
My session was cancelled, how can I receive refund my credits?
You will receive the refund of your credits within 24 hours.
About Well-being Partners Community
Why should I join as a well-being partner to TalentMondo?
Our well-being partners enjoy catering their online sessions to high-end corporate clientele. We offer secure monthly payments for your sessions, provide full partner support if you have any questions/problems with the platform or your sessions, and a chance to grow your client base.
How can I join TalentMondo as a well-being partner?
You can sign up and create their profiles within minutes. You will provide some information about your services and experiences while creating your profile. Then, our team reviews your profile and assesses you based on some criteria whether you are eligible to be a partner of TalentMondo. You can be either accepted to the platform or get some feedback from us to provide more information in your profile or rejected if your profile does not meet our criteria.
Who sets the price for my sessions?
You! You determine your own prices while creating the sessions. Just decide how much you’re going to charge each person that will attend your sessions, that’s it! TalentMondo takes a certain percentage of your earnings as a service fee to provide continuity of our services.
How do I receive payments for my sessions?
Your payments are made using TransferWise. You’ll be getting all of your payments in the first week of each month. If this is the first time you’re receiving payments from Transferwise, don’t worry! To find out more information about receiving payments from Transferwise, click here.
My session just got booked! What do I do?
First of all, congrats! Now, you should get prepared for your session and make sure to read all the emails we’ll send you for further guidance. You can offer your session via Zoom, Skype or Google Hangouts at TalentMondo. Double check that your meeting link that you provide to TalentMondo is correct. Have fun in your session and don’t forget to remind your participants to leave a comment & rating for you after the session.